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Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad
peace and blessing be upon him
The Muhammadan Patience
Patience is the restraint of the self in everything for the sake of God’s worship.
Patience is clear in the following holy verse,
{Therefore patiently persevere, as did (all) apostles of inflexible purpose}
Also, {And do thou be patient, for thy patience is but from God}
(Ahqaf, or Winding Sand Tracts V., 35.)
And also in God’s saying concerning the believers,
(The Bee V., 127.)
{O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear God; that ye may prosper}
(The Family of ‘Imran V., 200.)
As a matter of fact, the Messenger of Allah, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, persevered in patience during all the time of proclaiming his message which lasted twenty three years. He never feared anything and he never left his message till it reached its required end.
By showing the following events, we can present the reality of the Muhammadan patience which
is a pattern for every believing man and woman in the battle of this life:
1. He tolerated Quraysh’s injury when he was at Mecca. They beat him, put the secretions of camels on his back, blockaded him for three years with the people of Hashim in the defile of Abü Talib, sentenced him to death and really they sent their men to do so but God, the Great and Almighty, saved and protected him from their evil. All these things did not push him away from his call and did not stop him from showing it to everybody.
2. His patience in «The sorrowful year» when both Khadijah, his compassionate wife and his protective uncle died. All these disasters did not destroy him and did not weaken his strength but on the contrary, he faced all these disasters with great patience which was unique in the history of the distinguished heroes.
3. His patience in all wars: Badr, ‘Uhud, the Trench, Hunainn, at-Ta’if and Tabük. In all these wars, he feared not. Never he was defeated or failed. In addition, he was tireless though he entered many wars, led various brigades (detachments) and moved from one invasion to another for ten years. What a great and wonderful patience!
4. His patience for the plans of the Jews in Medina who were against him and against his call.
5. His patience for the great hunger. He died and was never satisfied even of the barely bread. The Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, tolerated all these things. He was never weak or defeated. If any other man faced half of the disasters that met him, he would give up his call and escape the great responsibility. However, God, the Great and Almighty, preserved him, caused him to be patient, protected him and strengthened him in order to proclaim the message and to make him an ideal pattern for the people in his wisdom, patience, generosity, courage and forgiveness.
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