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Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad
peace and blessing be upon him
The Muhammadan Courage (Bravery)
Courage is a virtuous temper, a gracious description and a righteous characteristic especially when it is in the mind as it is in the heart and when its owner is one of those who have knowledge and belief.
Courage in heart means not to have fear from what usually causes the horror.
Courage in mind means not to look at the end of the matters when they are known to be right.
The beloved Muhammad, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, was of the most courageous men.
There was no one like him. This is clear in the following holy verse from the sura of «The Women», when
God Himself asks his Prophet to fight alone, {Then fight in God’s cause- Thou art held responsible
only for thyself and rouse the Believers}
(The Women V., 84.) |
Of the indications and manifestations of the Prophet’s courage are the following:
1. The testimony of the courageous heroes. Ali, may God be pleased with him who was of the
heroes said, «When terror reached its climax and when the irises (pupils of the eyes) became red
(because of anger), we sought protection with the Messenger of Allah. That is he protected us
from the beatings and stabbings».
2. His extraordinary heroic attitude in ‘Uhud when the heroes dumbfounded with fear and the brave overlooked themselves but Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, stood as a towering mountain and all his companions sought protection with him and gathered around him. They fought but the battle ended up with the defeat of the Muslims simply because they followed not the instructions of their Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him.
3. In the battle of Hunain, the companions of the Prophet were defeated and they ran
away because of the difficult confrontation with the enemy due to the various ambushes the
enemy set for them. However, the Prophet remained alone in the battleground. He fought
and fought alone. Later his companions joined him again and the enemy was defeated.
Their defeat was because of a sin they committed. They always said, «Today, we are never
to be defeated because our number is large». God, the Great and Almighty, mentioned them
in His Holy Book in the sura of «Repentance» when He said, {And on the day of Hunain: Behold!
your great numbers elated you, but they availed you naught}
(Repentance V., 25.) |
4. In the battle of ‘Uhud and during the battle, Ubbay Ibn Khalaf, God curse him, saw the Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, and he cried, «Where is Muhammad? I shall not be saved if he is so». He approached the Prophet riding his horse in order to kill him. Some Muslim men faced him but the Prophet said, «Let him pass». Then the Prophet took the spear from the hand of al-Harith Ibn al-Summa and he trembled a very strong tremble which caused his companions to spread out of him as when the hair spread out of the camels and he hit the unbeliever (Ibn Khalaf) with a grapping stab in his neck and that caused him to fall off his horse saying, «Muhammad has killed men».
5.Once the people of Medina became so frightened when they heard a sound. Some men went out to discover its reality and they saw that the Prophet has already proceeded them. The Prophet was riding Abu Talha’s horse and bearing a sword and when he saw them he said: «Don’t be afraid». Thus, as Anas Ibn Malik said, the Prophet was the best among people, the most generous of them, and the most courageous man and he told the above mentioned story.
6. The testimony of ‘Umran Ibn Husain, may God be pleased with them both, said and he was so sincere and truthful, «The Messenger of Allah, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, was the first one who starts the fighting in the battle when meeting the battalions».
These were some evidences of the Prophet’s heart courage. As for his mind courage, it is sufficient for us to mention only one incident (evidence). The evidence is the obstinacy of Suhayl Ibn Amr while writing the document of Hudaibiyah peace- treaty. The Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, exchanged the word, «In the name of Allah» for, «O God! in Your name». And he exchanged the word, «Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah» for «Muhammad Ibn Abdallah». His companions flamed up with rage while he remained so calm and patient. A visible victory happened few days later and, of course, that was the best example in heart and mind courage in addition to the long-sightedness and the judiciousness. So, God’s blessing and peace be upon him.
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