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Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad
peace and blessing be upon him
The Muhammadan Generosity
The Muhammadan generosity is cited as an example. He never repulsed a beggar if he had anything to give. Once, a man asked him to give him a garment he wore, the Prophet soon entered his house, took it off and gave it to the man.
Bukhari and Muslim transmitted from Jaber Ibn Abdallah, may God be pleased with him, he said, ((It was impossible for the Prophet to be asked about anything without answering the one who asks. He never said «No» to anyone.
Once, a man asked him to give him some sheep and the Prophet gave him what he wanted. The man came to his people and said, ((O people! Embrace Islam. Muhammad gives so many things which makes man fear not poverty. Believe me my people! When a man comes to the Prophet and he is so busy in the affairs of this life world, he will soon forget all the world’s affair and his religion becomes the dearest thing to him)).
Moreover, it is enough to examine the following Hadith which was transmitted by al- Bukhari from Ibn Abbas, may
God be pleased with him, when he was asked about the generosity of the Messenger of Allah, God’s blessing
and peace be upon him, he said,
((The Messenger of Allah was the most generous man. His generosity appeared in Ramadan when
Gabriel met him and taught him the Holy Qur’an. The Messenger of Allah is more generous than
the missionary wind. That is, his gifts were enduring. ))
The following are examples of his generosity:
1- Ninety dirham were offered to him. They were put on a straw mat. He began distributing them and he repulsed no beggar till no one dirharn remained.
2- When Mi’wath Ibn Afra’ gave him a present which was ripe dates and Egyptian cucumber, the Prophet in return, gave him a handful of gold and jewelry.
3- A man came to the Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, and asked him to help him. The Prophet said, ‘I have nothing to give you but purchase anything you want at my expense and if you are asked about its price, we shall pay». How the Prophet can not be of the most generous men especially when we hear him saying, ‘Every morning, when the man gets up, two angels say to each other: O God, compensate the one who spends money and deprive the niggard of the money he has’. He also says, ‘Allah Most High says, {O children of Adam! spend and I’ll spend for you}.
Allah Most High sent the following holy verse, {Do ye spend in the least (in His Cause) but He
replaces it: for He is the Best of those who grant sustenance}
(Saba, or The City of Saba V., 39) |
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