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Controversial miscellaneous issues related to Islam
A Quiet Dialogue with His Holiness,the Pope of Vatican
By Muhamed Sayed Tantawi Shaikh of AlAzhar
Essay (4)
This is my fourth article to your Holiness concerning your lecture at Freisinger University Germany on the 27th of September, 2006; titled "Faith, Rationality, and the University".
You expressed in your speech how you were moved by your experience at Bonn University during the time of the traditional theological colleges. You were proud of this time because you felt these colleges used rationality of faith issues in an appropriate way. However, some of your colleagues did not agree with your point of view. They said that "There was something odd about our university". They said that, "It had two colleges devoted to something that did not exist: God." Your Holiness has denounced such statements saying that, even in the face of such radical skepticism it is still necessary and reasonable to raise the question of God through the use of reason and to do so in the context of traditional Christian belief and the traditions of the university. Then your Holiness has spoken in detail about the rationality of Greek thought and God in the Christian faith. Your Holiness has mentioned some of the theological tendencies that appeared during the late middle ages which opposed the rationality of Allah. This opinion followed, "We commonly know His normal will, and beyond this is the realm of God's freedom.
ln virtue of which He could have done the opposite of everything He has actually done " Your Holiness mentioned that the Professor Khotlzy quoted a statement of the noted French Islnmist R. Arnaldez, who pointed out that Ibn Hazm went so far as to state God is not bound even by His own word, and that nothing would oblige him to reveal the truth to us. Were it God's will we would even have to practice idolatry.
It could be understood from the above mentioned statements that some of the theologies questioning God is necessary and rational from Christian perspectives. Your Holiness supports this rational attitude in order to face the other pessimistic thought; they say God does not exist. ' On the other hand, some of the theologians believe that seeking God through rationality is unnecessary and unproductive. Some of the orientalists pointed out that the Arabic philosopher Ibn Hazem supported this conception.
In this article, I will clarify for your Holiness the conception of doctrine in Islamic Sharia'ah and the status of rationality in Islam which follows: Doctrine is description of faith that entitles the pillars, principles and values of the religion which melted in the hearts and became as an integrated part of the human entity that urges him to defend it as he defends himself.
It is often said, as one thinks, so he believes and supports his belief.
This means faith and belief are similar synonyms. mentioned in the Al-Waseet Dictionary volume 2, page 614 we find the definition of creed: It is judgment that doesn't accept any skepticism in the heart of the believer. In Sharia'ah creed means belief such as believing in the existence of God, His angels, and His prophets. Religious creed is of dire need in human nature. Mankind can not live a nor- mal life without it. Those who claim that they have liberated themselves from religion are deceived because in their inner selves they believe in myths and superstitions. They follow their egos. Out of their ignorance, they think that they are right and others are wrong. In this regard, the well known writer Abas Mahmoud Al-akad, i!l his valuable book "Allah" said, in human nature there is a hunger to believe just as there is hunger of the stomach for food. That is why the soul gets hungry just as the physical body gets hungry. therefore, the soul seeks for its food like the physical body does. this gives us the feeling that a religious nature is deeply rooted in human nature from the beginning of time. In the case of weakness, when faith is weak it contradicts human nature and manifests as sickness in his character.
In summary, the religious creed is a psychological necessity in human nature.
It overwhelms his thinking, feeling, and his conscience because it satisfies his normal desires. If creed is not available it will be invented. That is why every human has his greed that he defends even if it is false and contradicts the rationality and reasonability.
To prove this we can find many verses from the Glorious Quran that tells us that the noble prophets invited their people to believe in the Oneness of Allah and qualify themselves for noble virtues. The rulers of nations and most of the people refused these prophets and described them as insane, stupid, and rebellious.
A sound creed is the one that Allah revealed to His noble prophets. He ordered them to report it to their people. It represents the Oneness of Allah, the truthfulness of His prophets and confirms the resurrection and the Day of Judgment. Allah said: "The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from His Lord and so do the believers, they all believe in Allah, and His angels, and His books and His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers and they say, "We hear and we obey, we implore our forgiveness Our Lord, and to You is the destiny" (Sura2, verse 285).
In the authentic Hadith the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Faith is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Day of Judgment, and to believe in destiny either good or bad.
This means that a truthful faith and a sound creed will be accomplished if the human being believes in the Oneness of Allah. We read in the Glorious Quran, "He is the First and the Last, the manifest and the unseen. He has knowledge of all things." (Sura 3, verse 57). And to believe that Allah's Angels never disobey Allah and always do what Allah orders them to do. And to believe in the words that Allah revealed in scrolls upon Abraham, psalms upon David, Torah upon Moses, the Gospel upon Jesus and Quran upon Mohamed (peace and blessings be upon him) And to believe in all prophets and at last the final prophet Mohamed (peace and blessings be upon him) that they reported the message accurately. And to believe that the Day of Judgment is definitely coming. The Day of Judgment is just, paradise is just and hell fire is just also.
This is the sound creed represented in religion of Islam the chosen religion by Allah as He said: "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam (submission to God's will) never shall be accepted of Him, and in the Hereafter he shall be one of the losers." (Sura 3, verse 85). This is the religion of all the prophets of Allah. The prophet Noah said to his people, "If you turn away, I have not asked you for any reward, my reward is only from Allah and I have been commanded to be of those who are Muslims." (Sura 10, verse 73). The prophet Abraham said, "I submit my will to the Lord of the worlds." (Sura 2, verse 13). Moses said to his people, "O my people, if you believe in Allah, then put your trust in Him, if you are Muslims." (Sura 10, verse 84) "And when Jesus perceived their disbelief he said," Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah? The Disciples said, "We are helpers in the cause of Allah, we believe in Allah and bear witness that we are Muslims." (Sura 3, verse 52).
Thus, all prophets of Allah reported the same religion and the same belief or creed. It is Islam to submit the human self to Allah only.
This is conception of religious the creed in the Islamic Shariah: “Sincerity of worshipping Allah, belief in His Messengers, His Angels, His Books, the Day Judgment and His destiny. Allah the Almighty said, "lndeed to Him are the creation and the command. Full of blessings is Allah, the Lord of the worlds." (7:54) As for the term "rationalism", in the Arabic languages it means understanding and perceiving. Reason is given as a tool for thinking, contemplation, dialogue, and judging the affairs of daily life. It forbids the human being from doing wrong. It is the most precious gift given by Allah to His servants in order to differentiate between good and evil, truth and error. virtue and vice. the human being is completely responsible for his actions as long as he is rational and of sound mind. But If he loses his consciousness he is no longer responsible for his actions. In Islam, we learn and relearn that at every worship service and in commercial transactions, where in order to be valid, maturity and rationalism is needed. Any nation abundant with wise people enjoys prosperity, security, safety, in creasing production agriculturally, industrially, scientifically, and in all useful branches of knowledge, etc. Its deserts will become pastures. But if its wise people are dwindling, its pastures will become deserts. The contemplator of the Glorious Quran will notice that there are many verses that conclude with the terms "do you not have any sense?" or "They do not understand."
Within those verses Allah The Almighty said, "Do you enjoy the performance of good deeds on the people and neglect it yourselves while you read the scriptures, do you not have any sense. (2:44) And Allah the Almighty said, Deaf, dumb, and blind, they do not understand." (2: 171).
The inhabitants of Hell have confessed that the reason for their punishment was actions of stupidity and foolishness. Allah the Almighty said, "And they shall say, if we had only listened or understood, we would not have been the inhabitants of the burning fire. So they shall confess their sins, but far will be forgiveness from the inhabitants of the burning fire." (10-1 1:67). Many of the authentic Hadiths have shown the precious value of a sound mind, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, " If the person is given piety, the most important thing next to a sound mind is to guide his owner to uprightness and reject any of his vices." In another Hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him said, "The most honorable creation by Allah is the sound mind' .
Once a wise man asked a smart boy. "Would you like to have a hundred thou- sand dinars and be foolish?" to which the boy replied, "No". the wise man asked, "Why?" 'the boy said, "Because I am afraid to commit a crime and loose all my money then be punished for my foolishness." No matter how much the human senses are advanced they cannot invent heavenly religions, because this is done only from Allah to His servants through His prophets to report to their people to follow its guidance in order to pass through this life and into the Hereafter. Normal human senses do not preoccupy themselves with unfruitful, unseen issues, they only concern themselves with what is useful and contemplating the miracles of Allah in this universe. Therefore, Islamic Sharia'ah forbids its followers from thinking about the entity of Allah the Almighty because this issue is above their perception and their nature. Allah the Almighty said," He created from yourselves your wives, and for the cattle mates multiplying you therein. There is nothing like Him. He is the All-Hearing, the All-seeing." (1 1:42) This means He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. By His power He created us and our wives in order to have mutual solace and mercy. By His mercy He created cattle and multiplied them for the service of His human beings. He declared Himself omnipotent both in His entity and in His actions. He is the All- Hearing, the All-seeing. In the noble Hadith, the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Contemplate Allah's miracles and do not contemplate His entity because you can not perceive His sublime power. " As a matter of fact, thinking of Allah's entity, His form and His appearance, etc will lead to perplexity and confusion, and Islam forbids this. But Islam encourages mankind to think deeply of Allah's creatures, His blessings and favors upon them.
Islam considers the highest goal of thinking as inspiring the mind in order to do His will by knowing Allah`s blessings upon human beings and the signification of His existence, and the laws of this life in order to reach that which is noble and good. The well versed of the Noble Quran will notice a lot of logical evidence of the Oneness of Allah, the Day of Judgment is just, the Messengers reported the message accurately and the Quran was revealed from Allah.
The rational evidence of the Oneness of Allah sometimes comes through challenges, as Allah the Almighty said, "This is Allah's creation show me what those you invoke other than Him have created! Surely the transgressors are in manifest error. "(1 1:31)
This means that this universe; His earth, sky, rivers, mountains: people, jinn, cattle, and plants were created by Allah. So, what do idols create? Those reject Him and worship powerless idols. Idols create nothing. Why do the disbelievers worship them?
Similar to this verse, Allah the Almighty said, ""Is He who creates, like he who does not create? Will you not reflect?" (18:16) The question here is to deny and reproach the disbelievers who liken that which they worship to Allah. the above verse means; Is He who creates such a great universe (Allah) like he who does not create (such as idols which have been worshipped by the ignorant). Every sound person negates any similarity between the Maker and His creatures.
Similar to above verses, Allah the Almighty said, "Say: praise be to Allah, and peace upon His servants whom He has chosen." Is Allah better or what do they associate with Him? Or who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down water from the sky and caused the growth therewith beautiful gardens whose trees could never grow? Is there another god with Allah? No indeed! But they are a people who deviate! Or who made the earth an abode and set livers in the interstices, and mountains standing firm? He placed a barrier between the two seas. Is there another god with Allah? No indeed! But most of them do not know. Or who answers the distressed when he calls upon Him and relieves the affliction, and has made you successors on the earth. Is there another god with Allah? No indeed! Little do you reflect. Or who guides you in the darkness of the land and sea and who sends the winds as heralds of His Mercy? Is there an- other god with Allah? High Exalted is Allah above that they associate with Him! or who originates creation and then brings it back again, and provides for you from the heavens and the earth? Is there another god with Allah? Say; "Bring, your proof, if you are truthful." (59-M:27) Any sound person who ponders the verses will say loudly, "lt is Allah our Maker who deserves to be worshipped." The rational proof of the Oneness of Allah sometimes comes through similitude.
Allah the Almighty said, "Allah has set similitude, a man who is shared by many partners disagreeing with each other and a man who belongs to one man, are me two equal in similitude? Praise be to Allah! But most of them do not know." (29:39) This means whoever worships idols as a slave who is shared by many owners disagreeing with each other. This slave is divided and confused among them, because one of the owners orders him to stand up but the other owner orders him to sit down. This is the same condition of the disbeliever. The only similarity is the believer also appears to be a slave. But a believer is one who belongs to one man, no one else, he serves his master sincerely and his master rewards him generously.
The rational proof of the Oneness of Allah sometimes comes through recognizing a perfectly ordered universe. This could not be in such a manner, unless His maker is one. It is Allah who has perfected the shaping of everything. With- in those verses Allah said: "If there had been in the heavens and earth other gods but Allah both would have been thrown into turmoil. Glory be to Allah! the Lord of the Throne, above what they attribute to Him." (22:21) This means, if there had been other gods in the heavens and the earth than Allah, both would have been thrown into turmoil because this condition will lead to conflict and fighting between the entities and the universe will be out of His balance. However it has been proven that this vast universe is doing His job smoothly. Therefore, this indicates that this Maker and Controller is Allah only and there is no entity with Him.
Similar to the above verse, Allah the Almighty said, "Allah has not begotten any son, nor is there any god with Him; if there had been, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some of them would have lorded over others. Glory be to Allah, High Exalted is He above that they attribute." (91:23)
Concerning the rational proof that the Day of Judgment is just and the people will answer for their actions, the Glorious Quran mentions a lot of this proof such as Allah said, "Has mankind not considered how we created him from a small quantity of sperm? And yet he stands as an open adversary! And he has set for us a similitude and forgotten how he was created, he says, "Who will revive them, the One Who originated them the first time. He is All-Knowing of all creation. Allah's is the One Who has made for you fire from the green trees, them with it you kindle." Or (do they think) that the One Who created the heavens and the earth' is unable to create the likeness of them? Yes indeed, and He is the All- creator, the All-knowing. His command, when He intends a thing is only to say to it "Be" and it is. So Glory be to Him, in Whose hand is the Dominion of all things, and to Him you shall return." (1 1:83-36). It was mentioned that the reason for the revelation of this verse was that once a disbeliever carrying a rotten bone in his hand, crushing it into pieces, pushed it at the prophet's face saying to him, "Do you claim if I have rotted like this bone, your Lord will resurrect me again? The prophet said "Yes Allah will make you resurrect you and gather you into hell` s fire.
There is a lot of rational proof concerning the Day of Reckoning in the Glorious Quran. This is mentioned in different Suras. Concerning the rational proof that the Messengers have delivered the message accurately, Allah the Almighty said, "Thamood disbelieved in the messenger when their brother Salih said to them, "Will you fear Allah?. I am for you a faithful Messenger, so fear Allah and obey me, and I do not ask you for any reward for it, surely my reward is only with the Lord of the Worlds." (141-145:26)
Each prophet advised his people to worship Allah sincerely and to seek noble virtues. Each prophet discussed with his people in a reasonable way and Allah supported them with miracles to prove their truthfulness.
Among the manifested rational proof that the Glorious Quran is Allah's word and not human made, Allah challenges the disbelievers to produce a work similar to the Quran but they have failed, then He challenged them to produce 10 Suras, but they failed at that too, then He challenged them to produce a likeness of the smallest Sura, but they failed at that also. Allah the Almighty said, "And if you have doubt about what we have revealed (Quran) to our servant (Mohamed), then compose a chapter like it and call upon your helpers other than Allah if your claims are true. But if you do not do it and you'll never do it, then fear the fire whose fuel is mankind and stones, which is prepared for the unbelievers" (23- 24:2)
Through these substantiations and others, it has been proven that this the Quran is Allah's word, because if it is not, the people will find a lot of differences and contradictions but this has not happened.
This is the reality of a correct religious creed, brought by the prophet Mohamed (peace and blessings be upon him) from his Lord. Briefly it represents the worshipping of Allah alone, following the noble virtues, telling the truth, behaving well and following the right path.
Islam considers rationality as the basis for responsibility in order to differentiate between right and wrong, virtue and vice, good and evil.
However, the rationality has its limits and can not explain unseen issues, as Allah the Almighty said, "He is the Knower of the Unseen, and He does not disclose His unseen to anyone except such a messenger as He is well pleased with, then He sends a guard before him and a guard behind him. That he may know that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord and He encompasses all that is with them and He keeps account of all things." (26-28:72)
We pray to Allah the Almighty to guide us to His right path.
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