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Controversial miscellaneous issues related to Islam
A Quiet Dialogue with His Holiness,the Pope of Vatican
By Muhamed Sayed Tantawi Shaikh of AlAzhar
Essay (3)
His Holiness, the Holy father, objectively and honestly in two previous articles, I showed you the falsehood of the two claims the Byzantine emperor gave about Islam more than 600 years ago through a dialogue carried on by him and the Persian Muslim. The two false claims were that Islam spread by violence and compulsion and that Islam jihad was set up for aggression. I have given you also rational and textual proofs that Islam spread by conviction and that Islamic jihad was set up to support the oppressor and give rights back to whom they are due. Now again and in the third article, I am going to refute the third lie, which is more heinous than the two others. About what the Byzantine emperor said '' Show me just what new that Muhammad brought and there you will find nothing but evil and inhuman '' Once again I blame you Holy father that you told this false claim without giving a fair word that show that you did not agree with this Byzantine emperor.
In view of the fact that you remain silent and seem as if you are pleased with what he said, then I will give you the most evident proofs that show clearly and highly that our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought all good and noble for the whole humanity and forbade all that is evil and he had done all that as stated in all heavenly Books that testify for his good character and his virtues that are enough to convince any fair person of following and believing in him.
Almighty Allah says,'' Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet -whom they find written of in their torah and the Gospel. He enjoins on them what is good and forbids them from what is evil; make the pure things lawful to them; and forbids them from the impure; relieves them from their burdens and free them from the fetters that were upon them. So those who believe in him and support him and help him and follow the Light has been revealed to him those surely attain success" ( Sura 7, verse 157 ).
In this Quranic verse, God describes prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as having a number of noble traits.
First of all, God describes Muhammad (PBUH) as being messenger He sent to the whole mankind.
Secondly and in the concerned verse God describes Muhammad (PBUH) as the prophet to whom He revealed the most perfect Shariah. It is the Shari'ah that God protected and will protect against change till the judgment Day.
Thirdly, God describes Muhammad (PBUH) as being unlettered neither could he read or write nor did he have a teacher to teach him. However, God revealed to him the Quran; which is the guidance of the Almighty and His greatest miracle. God give Muhammad (PBUH) Knowledge and wisdom, so, he had knowledge before others had it. Muhammad's illiteracy is the most evident proof that his words are nothing but revelations from God.
Fourthly and in the same verse, God describes Muhammad that the people of the Book can find a mention of his name and his character in the Torah and the Injeel. In this context, Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar narrated: I read the following in the Torah about the character of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): He is my servant and messenger. I named him as the truster, who puts his trust in me. He is not tough or hard hearted. He does not make noise in public places. He does not reciprocate harm; instead he always forgives and tolerates.'' Related by Al-Bukhari
fifthly God describes Muhammad as having the character of enjoining all good and forbidding all evil.
Sixthly, this verse describes that God has given Muhammad (PBUH) the Shariah that makes things that benefit people and lawful for them and that harm them unlawful.
Seventhly, God describes Muhammad as bringing people the shariah that is so easy and soft, not tough. then, God concludes this Quranic verse with a statement that those who will believe in Muhammad and support him shall surely attain success. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought all that is good because he is the brother of Jesus, son of Mariam (PBUH) in prophethood. It is Jesus, son of Mariam, (PBUH) who gave good news about Muhammad's coming and made a mention of his name. This is highly expressed in the Quranic statement, '' And remember when Jesus, son of Mary said: O' Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of God to you, confirming that which was revealed before me in the Torah and giving glad tidings of a Messenger who shall come after me) whose name shall be Ahmad.'' (Sura 61, verse 6) the meaning here is: O Muhammad, tell your people about Jesus, your brother in prophethood, when he said to his people, O 'children of Israel! I am the Messenger of God to you, confirming the Book that I was sent with; meaning the Injeel and confirming as well the Torah which came before me. What is more, I witness and give good news that another Messenger of God shall come after me whose name shall be Ahmad. I confirm his prophethood.
Imam Al-Alusi (may Allah have mercy upon him) commented, '' Ahmad is a name for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was reported to have said, ''I have many names :I am Muhammad. I am Ahmad. I am the first to be resurrected. I am the means of erasure which God will erase infidelity through. I am the last as no prophet will come after me.'' Related Al--Bukhari and Muslim).
So, the Quranic verse in hand is highly evident that Jesus (PBUH) gave his people a prior knowledge about the coming of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Jesus saying about Muhammad (PBUH) indicates that prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will bring people all that is good; he will take them out of the darkness of polytheism to the light of monotheism, out of the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge and out of the darkness of infidelity to the light of the Almighty. In addition, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) highly praised Jesus (PBUH), his brother in prophethood, saying ,'' I am the most deserving of nearness to Jesus, son of Mariam, in this life and the next one ''Hearing that, companions of Prophet (PBUH) asked , ''O Prophet , how can this be? '' Hereupon, The Prophet (PBUH) said, ''No Prophet is between me and him.'' Similarly, Prophet (PBUH) highly praised Mariam, mother of Jesus, saying, “The best four women who will enter paradise are Khadijah Bint Khwayled, Fatimah Bint Muhammad (PBUH), Asiyya Bint Muzahim wife of pharaoh and Mariam Bint Imran". Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) actually brought all that is good and his religion is the final heavenly religion that completed other religions revealed before it. As a matter of fact, all messengers of God are sent with one faith which is based on the total and sincere submission to God alone and good morality.
Such faith is to bring all that is good ; it is to bring happiness, open minds and hearts and purify souls from feeling of hatred and resentment . In case people follow the guidance of the Almighty brought by prophets: they are going to lead a happy and secure life. Truthful is God as He says In the Quran ''Whoever does righteous deeds whether male or female, and is a believer, We shall give him a goodly life in this world, and We shall reward such according the best of their deeds.'' ( Sura16, verse 97).
Indeed, the prophets and Messengers are the best of all human beings as God selected them from all people to be means of mercy and guidance. It is prophets and Messengers that God selected to fulfill the greatest mission; which is to propagate God's true religion and take people to His straight path by helping them have faith instead of infidelity and knowledge instead of ignorance.
Each prophet of God has good natural disposition, pure soul, sound mind and strong determination. Each prophet is known for having honesty and good morality within himself and towards others. It is God who kept His Prophets and Messengers, before and after their prophthood, away from getting involved in whatever contradicts the moral and ethical standards. As far as prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is concerned, he is the final prophet and with his message God completed all other heavenly messages. I mean: the heavenly messages sent before Muhammad had a missing part; which is been completed through the message of Muhammad (PBUH) This meaning is been expressed in Muhammad's saying ,'' I and other prophets coming before me are like a building that a man well - established and decorated in the most perfect way . However, a wall of this building has an empty space that needs one brick to be tilled. So people: despite their admiration for the design of this building, would say, ''Why did a brick not be inserted in this space! So, I am this brick and I am the final prophet.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought all that is good; never did he bring evil. That is because prophet (PBUH) came after an interval when there were no prophets during to propagate the true religion of God. This is stated in God's statement in the Quran ''O people of the Book! Our Messenger has come to you after a period of time since previous Messengers, lest you should say,'' Neither guiding bearer of glad tidings nor Warner has come to us ''So now there has come to you a bearer of glad tidings and a Warner. God has power over all things.'' (Sura 5, verse 19)
this Quranic verse implies: O people of the Book! Our prophet Muhammad has come to you to make all things clear concerning the issues of faith, worship and human relationships. In fact, it was a long time between Jesus (PBUH) and the coming of Muhammad (PBUH); which means that the world was free of prophets who were to propagate the true religion of God. Indeed, we sent Muhammad to you so as not to argue that God did not sent you a bearer of glad tidings about faith or a Warner against infidelity, but the Message of Muhammad (PBUH) has come to you six-centuries after the message of Jesus (PBUH) - that calls you to worship God alone. Indeed Muhammad (PBUH) came in a time when humanity was in a badly need for his coming. It was a time of misery, misguidance, darkness, ignorance, oppression and wars.
Before the coming of Muhammad (PBUH), the world was sinking into a sea of dissensions as war between Romans and Persians was breaking out. Regarding the religious situation, it got worse; true faith was distorted and changed. People would live a terrible state of religious and moral confusion so that idols, 'stones, cows, trees and fire’ were worshipped besides God. In another respect the human conduct was governed by selfishness and personal desires, at that time, the situation in peninsula, especially in Mecca, was not better as people there were plunging into wars. In addition, they would make god of idols and says ''these idols are our interceders with God'' they would say also as a warrant for so doing, ''We worship these idols just to bring us nearer to God.'' They were indulging in a lot of destructive behaviors and bad habits. Tribalism was spread; people were judged according to their race and origin and empty boastfulness was widely practiced between tribes. There was no justice or morality. However, there was a group of people in Mecca, including Zayed Ibn Amr Ibn Nufayyil, Qis Ibn Saidah and Warqah Ibn Nawfal, that hated this unjust society and thus kept themselves from getting involved in what are been spread therein of bad practices.
Hereupon, Muhammad (PBUH) came to get humanity out of this darkness Muhammad (PBUH) came to save humanity from infidelity, ignorance and oppression. Instead, Muhammad (PBUH) brought the whole humanity faith, knowledge and justice. In many contexts of the Quran God refers to this great blessing He bestowed upon humanity, meaning the coming of Muhammad (PBUH), God says in this regard ''God bestowed a great favor on the believers that He sent to them a Messenger from among them selves who recited to them His Revelations, purifying them and teaching them the Book and Wisdom, through before they had clearly gone astray'' (Sura 3, verse 164)
The meaning is : God bestowed on believers from among Arabs a great blessing; He sent them a prophet who was a one of their race to recite the Quran to them, purify them from evils and bad morals and teach them the Quran and the Sunnah, even before they were in a manifest error and ignorance. In the same regard another similar Quranic verse goes ,'' God is the one who has sent among the unlettered , a Messenger from among themselves, reciting to them His revelations , purifying them , and teaching them the Book and Wisdom, though before they had been in manifest error'' (Sura 62, verse 2)
In conclusion, Muhammad (PBUH) brought the world all that is good after it was inhabited by all that is evil. The coming of Muhammad (PBUH) was the dawn that came after a long night . Muhammad (PBUH) brought all that is good because his Message that God sent to him include all that is good and it is impossible for a divine message to have something evil or inhumane.
Muhammad's message is a call to worship God alone who created the whole universe and to have good morality. Such a call is to be free of evil. All prophets, ahead of them is Muhammad (PBUH) who is the final prophet and the best of all prophets, all are infallible; never bring any least of evil nor did it . This was their case before and after their prophethood as it is God who selected them, purified them and kept them from doing that which is incompatible with the nature of their mission. All that read Muhammad's biography shall know that he was known among his people as the truthful and honest person. It is enough for Muhammad (PBUH) to be proud that God praises him stating: '' and surely you are of a great morallaity'' ( Sura 68, verse 4). Good morality, as stated by Al-Fakhr Ar-Razi is inherent disposition; so it can be easy for him to do all that is good. When something is said to be high, it is high in importance, degree and rank.
The meaning of this Quanic verse: O Muhammad, indeed you have a great religion, noble character and good conduct in terms of all that which you say do, or leave. The verse in literal translation reads,'' O Muhammad, surely you have the Highest noble character'' which describes the noble character as something to be stood on and Muhammad seems in the verse as if he is the one who stands firmly on that thing so that he cannot miss it. What I want to say is that each noble trait is intrinsic in Muhammad (PBUH). Indeed words fail to express implications included in this verse. Commenting on this verse, Ibn Kathir said: once a man asked Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) about the meaning of this verse. She said to the man, ''Don’t you read the Quran?''
the man said, “Yes"
Aishah said, “the prophet's character was the Quran" which means that Muhammad (PBUH) would apply all the Quranic teachings, including ordinances and prohibitions. He (PBUH) would do what the Quran enjoins and avoid what the Quran forbids. Besides, God produces in Muhammad (PBUH) such noble character, wisdom, modesty, courage and fairness.
In this context, Muhammad (PBUH) says about himself ''Indeed, I came to set the complete standards of the noble character'' It is sufficient for Muhammad (PBUH) to hold himself in honor and high respect that God praises him stating'' And we did not send you but as a mercy to all beings '' (Sura 21, verse 107) the meaning of this Quranic verse is : O Muhammad, you were sent as a mean through which human beings will get happiness in their life and hereafter and this will happen only in case they follow what you have brought of teachings, submit to and avoid that which you forbid. A similar hadith reads, “I am just mercy that God bestowed on you''. This means : Muhammad’s message is considered as a mercy that will be given to whoever believes in it and withhold from whoever turns his back to it.
Commented Az-Zamakhshari in his Kashaf: ''God has sent Muhammad (PBUH) as a mercy for all human beings. Muhammad (PBUH) will lead them to what gives them happiness in case they follow him. And, who does not follow Muhammad (PBUH) will miss this great mercy. I am going to give a parable: Muhammad's message is like a great source of fresh water; some people came to this source and took as much of it as they can to water their plants and animals. Such are the successful one. But, other people turned their back to this source and kept neglecting it till they missed the chance of using of its water. The source of fresh water is a great blessing from God to all people. However, this blessing does not go to whom is lazy.'' It is worthy of notice that God describes Muhammad's message as being a mercy and Muhammad (PBUH) describes himself also as being a mercy saying ,'' I am just a mercy that a God bestowed on humans''. Why mercy, because it is impossible for him who has mercy within himself to have the least evil. Mercy is natural disposition and good feeling that lead man to share others in their pains and sickness and not to remove them.
Mercy is the condition that makes anyone that has it to be sorry for people's misguidance; thus he will exert himself in taking them to the right path. It is the grace of God that required sending a man to this world to end its suffering, rectify its errors, and bring all that is good to people and show them the straight path.
This man was Muhammad (PBUH) whom God has sent with guidance and the true religion, equipped him with wisdom and knowledge and gave him a gentle and kind heart, sound mind and merciful disposition; things which make Muhammad (PBUH) the best, most merciful and most honorable of all humans. This is why God said to him in the Quran , ''due to the mercy that God has given you, you were kind to them; had you been harsh and hard of heart, they would have dispersed from around of you. So, pardon them and pray for forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter; and when you reach a decision, place your trust in God. Surely God loves those who put their trust in Him" (Sura 3, verse 159)
The meaning is: you are kind to your companions in all cases because of the great mercy that God granted you. Indeed, if you harsh, tough or hard, then your companions will hate you and let you alone. O Muhammad, as God has let tolerance and gentleness rest in your heart, so forgive their mistakes, ask God to forgive their shortcomings and consult them in case you need their counsel. After, if you decide to do a things go ahead and put your trust in God alone as God loves those who put their trust in him.
Keep in mind that the quality of mercifulness was ahead of qualities that Muhammad (PBUH) was known for all his life, even in critical and difficult conditions. In this regard we can take the incident of Al-Ta'if as an evidence.
Though people of Al-Ta'if attacked him violently. He refused to make supplication to God against them. Rather he said, ''O God, guide my people as they know nothing.'' It is Muhammad (PBUH) who would show his mercy to all people and explained that the true faith cannot reside with the hand heart.
This is expressed highly in the prophetic hadith ''you can never attain the true faith in God unless you are merciful ''Hereupon, Muhammad's companions said, ''O Prophet, all of us are merciful. Muhammad (PBUH) replied, ''l do not mean being merciful to one's friend but I mean being merciful to all people.
Muhammad (PBUH) was merciful to his children. You could see Muhammad pressing his child Ibrahim when he was dying, against his bosom and shedding tears for his departure. When companions saw Muhammad in this case, they exclaimed and said to him ,''O messenger of God, you are weeping''. Muhammad (PBUH) said ,''It is a mercy that Allah put in my heart. Eyes may be filled with tears and hearts may feel sorrow and grief. However, we shall not say but that which God gets pleased with even though we are sorry about the departure of Ibrahim''. Muhammad (PBUH) was merciful to orphans and the needy. Once, a man told Muhammad (PBUH) that he was suffering from being harsh-hearted. So, Muhammad (PBUH) said to him, “Do you like to get a soft heart and to have your needs fulfilled? So then, be merciful to orphans, wipe over their head in kindness and give them in charity, then you are going to get a soft heart and to have your needs fulfilled". Muhammad used to be merciful to the weak and servants. This is shown highly in his statement, ''Whoever hires a person to do him a service. Then it is the right of this hired person to be offered food and clothes. And not to be entrusted with tasks that beyond his capacity, otherwise you should help him".
Muhammad (PBUH) was merciful even to animals. Listen to this statement ''There is a woman that entered the hellfire because of a cat that she held and kept it in a closed place; neither did she offer it food nor did she set it free to feed itself". As we see, mercy was part and parcel of Muhammad's character. Indeed, Muhammad (PBUH) would show his mercy to children and adults, relatives and non-relatives, enemies and friends, those guided and those misguided, humans and animals.
An example of Muhammad's great mercy is: he used to lead men and women in congregational prayers having the intention of making the prayer long. However, each time he heard a child screaming; he would perform the prayer in hurry as a merciful act to the child and his mother. It is enough to make Muhammad (PBUH) be proud that God says about him, ''There has come to you a Messenger from among yourselves .It grieves him that you should suffer, anxious is he over you; to the believers he is compassionate and merciful" (Sura At-Tawbah, verse 128)
Forgiving mercy is not the only noble trait that Muhammad (PBUH) had as he would have all that is good and noble as well; may God have peace and blessings upon him.
Given all what we mentioned, it becomes very clear that all that which the Byzantine emperor set down in his dialogue with the Persian Muslim more than 600 years ago, are merely big lies. It is a big lie to say that Islam is being spread by the sword. It is a big lie to say that the aim of Islamic jihad is aggression. It is a big lie say that Islam bring nothing but evil and inhumane. I refuted such false claims and showed in detail in the two previous articles and this one as well that Islam was been spread by the word and by conviction, not by compulsion or under coercion. Explained also that the aim of jihad in Islam is to support the oppressed and defend one's life, dignity home and property. I also mentioned that our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best and most honorable human and he was. sent to all humans enjoining all that is good and noble and forbidding all that is evil.
We wished that the Holy Father would not have inserted the story of this Byzantine emperor in his lecture. It was clear that this story has nothing to do with the lecture most of which was about Christianity. Anyway, in view of the fact the Holy Father found it necessary to tell this story, It was appropriate for him to prove this story as false as he is a philosopher and a theologian. However, his Holiness did not. So we found it obligatory upon us to explain to him which is true and which Is false. We do so because whoever hides the truth is a devil. Finally, peace goes to those who follow the guidance of the Almighty.
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