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Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad
peace and blessing be upon him
The Muhammadan Humbleness
If humbleness means showing lowliness by the one who has high position and noble descent, then humbleness is the noblest of the morals. The Messenger of Allah was so humble to the extent that no one could be as him.
By considering his speech and deeds, this truth appears very clear and every believer desires to be as humble as his Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him.
The Signs of the Muhammadan Humbleness:
Muhammad, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, said that he was asked to choose either to be a king Prophet or a slave Prophet and he chose to be a slave Prophet. Thus, the Prophet’s preference to servitude than kingship is the most clear evidence of his humbleness.
1. Abu Umamah, may God be pleased with him, said, ‘ The Messenger of Allah came towards us and he reclined on a stick. We stood when we saw him approaching us but he said, ‘Do not stand as the Persians who glorify each other. I am but a slave. I eat as the slave eats and sit as the slave sits’’.
2. Many of his companions said and confirmed that he used to mount the donkey and to ride someone behind him. He also visited the poor, sat with the needy and answered the slave’s request. Above all, he used to sit with his companions and whenever he was invited to a barely bread, he accepted the invitation.
3. He said, ‘Do not praise me like the Christians who praised the son of Mary. I am but a slave. Say, he is the slave of Allah and he is His Messenger’.
4. In his pilgrimage where he offered one hundred ibexes as presents, he made his pilgrimage on a camel on whose back he put a velvet whose price was no more than four dirhams.
5. When Allah, the Great and Almighty, blessed him with the conquest of Mecca and he entered it victoriously while the Muslim soldiers entered it from all its doors, he was on his camel and his honorable beard was about to touch the surface of his saddle. It is a behavior which was never done by anyone in this life before him.
6. He said, ‘Do not prefer me to Jonah (Younes). And do not prefer between the Prophets. Do not prefer me to Moses. We are to be doubted more than Abraham. If I stayed in prison as Joseph, I would respond the caller’.
7. He said to the man who said to him, ‘O you are the best creature’. He (the prophet) replied, ‘Abraham is the best creature’.
8. His wives said that the Prophet did so many things in his house. He deloused his garment (if there was any louse in it), milked his ewe, patched his garment, mended his shoe, served himself, swept the house, fettered the camel, ate with the bondmaid and kneaded with her and carried his objects (things) from the market.
9. A man called on the Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, and when he saw him he trembled because of the prophet’s solemnity. Soon the prophet said, ‘Take it easy. I am not a king but I am the son of a woman who used to eat cured meat’.
10. Abu Huraira, may God be pleased with him, said, ‘Once, I went with the Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, to the market. He bought some pants and asked the weigher to weigh and to make outweigh. The weigher hurried to the Prophet’s hand in order to kiss it but the gracious Prophet drew his hand and said, ‘This is usually done by the Persians for the kings. I am not a king but a man of you’. Then he took the pants and when I tried to carry them for him, he said, ‘It is worthier for the owner of the thing to carry it’. ’
Each sign of the above mentioned ones denotes his perfection as well as his humbleness. He is cited as an example of these characteristics.
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