Alsiraj Official Website

Controversial miscellaneous issues related to Islam
Fasting in Islam
When is fasting forbidden
Although fasting is considered a pious act in Islam, there are times when fasting is prohibited.
There are certain days in which fasts are prohibited:
Muslims scholars have interpreted this prohibition as one of forbiddance, and they allow the husband to end his wife's fasting if she fasted without his permission and he seeks his right [to sexual intercourse] from her. This is also true, obviously, for days other than those of Ramadan in which case she does not need her husband's permission. Similarly, if she fasted without his permission because he was not present, he has the right to end her fast when he returns.
If the husband is sick or incapable of intercourse, it is permissible for the woman to fast without his permission, for this case is similar is similar to the case where he is not present.
The scholars say this prohibition implies that the act is disliked. Ahmad and Ishaq say that it is allowed to fast until the time of the pre-dawn meal as long as it is not a hardship on the one fasting. This opinion is based on what al-Bukhari recorded on the authority of Abu-Sa`id Al-Khudri: "The Messenger of Allah said: “Do not make Al-Wisal. If one of you insists on making Al-Wisal, he may continue his fast [after sunset] until the time of the pre-dawn."
If one breaks his fast during the days of `Eid and the days of Tashreeq, then his perpetual fasting would no longer be considered disliked. In his comments on this issue, At-Tirmidhi says: "A group of scholars dislike fasting every day if it includes the `Eids [`Eidul-Fitr, `Eidul-Adha] and the days of Tashreeq. If one breaks his fast on those days, his action is no longer disliked, as he is no longer fasting the whole year." The scholars are Malik, Ash-Shafi’i, Ahmad, and Ishaq.
The Prophet approved of Hamzah Al-Aslami's numerous fasts when he told him: "Fast if you wish and break your fast if you wish."
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