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Prophecies in the Old and New Testament
regarding the advent of Prophet Muhammad

Examples of Good Tidings of Muhammad in the New Testament

Al-Masih, peace be upon him, sometimes referred to the prophet he was bearing good tidings about as “the Prophet" and at other times he explicitly used his name Ahmad (Paraclet), and at still other times as the Messiah, which means messenger or prophet, and which may be given to a king or a learned man.

The gospels and messages of the New Testament abound in good tidings of a prophet who comes after Al-Masih, peace be upon him.

There is no doubt that these phrases which include the good tidings are among what remains of the truthful revelation Allah revealed to Al-Masih in the Gospel before distortion and change crept into it, and before it was variously narrated by known and unknown writers.

Over a hill near the Dead Sea, there were discovered old scrolls in earthen pots. It was revealed after studies and analyses that they formed part of the writings of the ancient Ibsiniyyin. Among the things these scrolls establish is that Al-Masih, son of Miriam was the Messiah of Christians, and that there would be another Messiah.