Alsiraj Official Website

Prophethood House
Ruqaya, may Allah be pleased with her
Her Birth
She was born after Zaynab, may Allah be pleased with her, her mother was Mother of the believers, Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her.
Embracing Islam
She embraced Islam with all her sisters, may Allah be pleased with them, as soon as her father, peace and blessings be upon him, declared his Prophethood.
Her marriage
Ruqaya and her sister Um Kulthum, were engaged to Utba and Utayba the sons of the Prophet's uncle Abd Elozza who is known as Abu Lahab
The Divorce
As soon as Quraish heard of Muhammad's Prophethood, they started to fight against the new religion. The leaders of Quraish suggested that any one engaged or married to one of Muhammad's daughters should divorce them, and in return they would help him to marry any other woman in Mecca.
Abu-Al-As the husband of Zaynab, may Allah be pleased with her, refused to divorce her but Abu Lahab threatened his son that he would disown them if they refused to divorce the Prophet's daughters and so they divorced them.
Her Marriage to Othman Ibn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him
Ruqaya, may Allah be pleased with her, accepted patiently the ordeal of the divorce and she stood by her noble father in his fight against the disbelievers of Quraish. After some time she got married to one of Quraish's richest and most honored men namely Othman Ibn Affan.
Emigration to Ethiopia
When Quraish's torture to Muslims became so barbarous, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered Muslims to emigrate to Ethiopia because they had a just king who is a pious Christian king. Ruqaya and Othman were the first to emigrate to Ethiopia although they were newly wed.
They had their son Abdullah in Ethiopia.
The return to Mecca
News spread that Quraish embraced Islam, consequently lots of Muslims, who suffered from home sickness, hurried back there. Among those were Ruqaya and her noble husband, may Allah be pleased with them.
When they returned to Mecca they knew that Quraish did not embrace Islam and they found out the shocking news of the death of her mother, the great Mother of the believers, Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her.
Emigration to Medina
Ruqaya and Uthman, may Allah be pleased with them, did not stay long in Mecca and soon emigrated to Medina when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered Muslims to emigrate to Medina.
In Medina her son Abdullah died when he was six years old because of a bite from a hen.
Her death, may Allah be pleased with her
When her son died, Ruqaya, may Allah be pleased with her, had a fever. Her honorable husband Uthman stayed beside her until there was the battle of Badr.
Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, wanted to fight in Badr, but the noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, permitted him to stay beside his dying wife.
When the news came that the Muslims won the battle of Badr, Ruqaya, may Allah be pleased with her, died.
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