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Answering lies about Islam and Prophet Muhammad

Did Islam Ignore Slavery and legalize its existence?


Some people claim that Islam either ignored slavery or accepted and legalized it. Is that true? Or did the religion of mercy and equality follow a special strategy to eradicate it? The target of this study is to answer that important question.

In the past slavery was considered essential and inevitable especially for the rulers and among the high standards of living. Islam tried to correct this belief and regarded it as one of the negative impacts of the continuous wars between tribes and nations. Islam regarded this widely spread belief as a sign of ignorance and injustice and consequently must be eradicated.

For this reason Islam devised a thorough plan fully compatible with the reality of these societies and consider these realities as the milestone from which to start the process of eradicating slavery. That is why Islam did not directly prohibit slavery but accepted its existence meanwhile Islam did not accept or allow the status of slaves at that time where they were deprived of all their rights, tortured and humiliated but started working on improving their status and acknowledging their rights.